Medicare Mental Health is a free service that connects you with mental health support

Are you anxious, worried, stressed or feeling overwhelmed?


If you live, work or play in the ACT, you no longer have to wait weeks or even months for mental health support. Starting with an assessment, we connect people 18 and over with the right mental health care services to suit their needs. 

Request a call

An important announcement for our valued community 🌱

Canberra Head to Health has been rebranded and is now known as Canberra Medicare Mental Health Centre. Please note, we still continue to provide the same service, with the same staff.

New and existing service users can continue to receive the same free, high-quality, compassionate mental health care at the Canberra Medicare Mental Health Centre (known formerly as Canberra Head to Health) when they need it.

As is the case currently, no appointment, referral or Medicare card will be needed – anyone living in Canberra and the surrounding region, can walk in and talk to someone for mental health support 🤍

Our website has also changed from to You will receive confirmation emails from

I need help

If I contact Medicare Mental Health, what happens?

Whether you walk in to our Centre in Canberra City, talk to us on 1800 595 212, or request a call, the very first thing we can help you with is access to reliable and relevant health information.

We offer consultation and information to all individuals who make contact with our service. We also provide an initial assessment with a Mental Health Clinician to understand your individual needs and help connect you to the right services for your circumstances.

For health professionals

How can we help you to help your patients

A range of factors are impacting the mental health of our Canberra community including the COVID-19 pandemic, stresses at home or work, trauma, grief, or life challenges.

We don’t require a referral or a Mental Health Treatment Plan but we do need health professionals to help us get the message out. Help us to reach more of the community by exploring our services and letting your patients know we are here to help them.  

The government initiative

What are Medicare Mental Health Centres?

Medicare Mental Health Centres are a federal government funded initiative and in the ACT is staffed by a local organisation, Think Mental Health. We have a team of professionals here to help you including psychologists, mental health assistants, nurses, occupational therapists, and social workers, along with psychiatry input as required.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when I request a call back on the website?

Canberra Medicare Mental Health Centre reception will receive the request and aim to give you a call at the designated day/time you have requested. They will send through some further information via email. Please note this call will come from a private number.

Can I call on behalf of someone else?

Yes, but it may limit the support we can provide. For example, we are unable to schedule a person in for an initial assessment without their consent. Consent can be given verbally in the instance that they were unable to call themselves but are present when you call Canberra Medicare Mental Health Centre.

Is Medicare Mental Health free?

Canberra Medicare Mental Health Centre is supported by funding from the ACT Primary Health Network (PHN) via Capital Health Network (CHN), through the Australian Government’s PHN Program. All services provided by Canberra Medicare Mental Health Centre are free.

Can I talk to someone over the phone or visit the clinic?

Either is fine. If choosing to complete an assessment over the phone, the intake team will give you a call at the scheduled time – alternatively we are able to complete the assessment at our clinic in Canberra City.